What people are saying about us…

“It is Karolina’s deep understanding of teens and her kindness to them that truly makes her special. My friend has recently begun working with her and is so pleased to have found her. When I recommended her, I told my friend that beyond her obvious competence and brilliance, it is her kindness that we value most of all. Karolina is such an important part of the team that supports and guides my daughter through these crucial years. Karolina made such a difference in her experience.”

“I cannot thank Dr. Karolina Claxton enough for her thought-provoking, informative, timely, and highly engaging webinar presentation regarding the relationships amongst learning, motivation, and performance. She not only offered neurological, biochemical and psychological models and explanations for the various processes, but did so in a way that all the adults and children in the H-W community could understand and use. Her presentation was greatly appreciated and well received by parents, faculty and students alike. Dr. Claxton’s wisdom and knowledge, as well as her excellent presentation style, were a gift to our community.”

-Grace Brown, Director of the Upper School Learning Center at Harvard-Westlake School

“Dr. Karolina Claxton is a brilliant clinician, interdisciplinary team member, and public speaker. She provided our organization with an extremely well-informed, thorough, and professional presentation that provided our audience with new insights into parenting.” 

-Georgia Weston, MSW, Executive Director of Creative Healing for Youth in Pain

“Karolina is an elegant and persuasive writer.  I especially appreciated the way she captured our concerns in a more psychologically sophisticated way.”

-Susan Staraci, M.A., LMFT

"My daughter is loving the work she is doing with Perspectives Group. Whatever the result her composure and confidence seem totally altered already. It seems that giving her some tangible tools are removing the stress or at least the anxiety about the work. I’m thrilled we came in!"

“I couldn’t agree more with Karolina’s positions, the research she offers to back it up, and the moxie it takes to stand strong with her beliefs about this wonderful and challenging process we help our students with. Her voice is clear, sharp and fresh on the eyes.”

“What incredible progress my daughter has made with Jenny!! I am blown away. Truly. She has made a huge difference in her life.”

“My daughter is doing so fantastically well thanks to Perspectives Group. Most importantly - she was so proud of herself. She has worked so hard and with the help and skills Karolina taught her, she really ended the year well. Karolina’s help really has made such a huge difference, not just in the short term, but the skills my daughter has learned will be with her from now on.”

“We are so lucky that Karolina has entered our lives at just the right moment. The work that she does with our girls is so important in helping them make it through this time in their lives. She is the best!!”

"From the moment we first met Karolina, we felt a tremendous sense of relief. She offered us hope that there was someone on our team that really understood him, as well as a path for which to get him through the challenging road of high school. We are well aware that working with our son was not always straightforward and that he sometimes would hold back or push back, but Karolina always remained a steady and reliable support to both him and us. We can never thank her enough for all that she did for him. Yes, she taught him essential organizing skills as well as critical techniques for essay writing and reading, but, more importantly, she gave him the belief that he could get through the anxiety and overwhelm that often accompanied a difficult task and with that, you gave him a belief in himself. We can never thank her enough for all of that. We know she works with dozens of students and we can guess that she has an impact on each one, but we really want her to know that she has had a profound impact on our life."

"We truly are so HAPPY to have Karolina in our child’s life. My daughter came into the car and spoke for the entire ride home about the framework for thinking about school. She is able to connect dots and make deeper thoughts thanks to Karolina’s validation and connection. I am so moved by seeing her transform as a successful student. She told me last night that she cannot believe how accomplished she feels upon working with Karolina. Flowers pale in comparison to our thanks."

"We can’t thank Karolina enough for always truly, seeing our daughter and most of all, for helping me open my heart so I truly see her."