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Workshop Offerings


Perspectives on a Learner’s Brain

Professional development informed by training in cognitive psychology, instructional design, and multimedia presentation

Workshops use an interactive problem-based approach to break topics and their applications into manageable action steps. Training can be conducted in stand-alone workshops, in a series of 3-6 workshops or in a Professional Learning Community (PLC) meeting approximately once per month. Coaching is also available to help faculty members address specific situations as they implement strategies learned during training. Content provided during training typically includes a brief foundation and synthesis of current research, methods to incorporate skills into curriculum, instructional design and classroom routines, and on-the-spot problem-solving strategies for when issues arise.

- For schools

- For parents

Monitoring medication, efficacy, referrals, functioning, motivation, we have an eye on nutrition and medical, psychodynamic underpinnings that impact motivation 

Converge, training, remediation of skills, improvement of metacognitive awareness, improve self, mood, motivation, self-management, engage in strategies to improve skills and functions, about individualized treatment plan to close gaps, arm with understanding, therapeutic approach, we monitor,